
Showing posts from March, 2019

8 Signs You Have A Gluten Intolerance

Gluten intolerance is very present nowadays. It is a condition which causes a person to react after ingesting gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. The most common symptoms include: pain, fatigue, gastrointestinal problems and depression. Wheat is a grain found in bread, cereal and pasta, but it can also be found in soups and salad dressings. Barley is also a grain often used in stock feed products, while rye is a type of grain commonly found in cereal, bread and beer. All of these grains contain gluten, and they can all cause gluten insensitivity. There is also a disease caused by gluten intolerance and it is called celiac disease. It is classified as an autoimmune disorder and causes damage to the small intestine. When a person ingests gluten, the body reacts with an abnormal immune response and attacks the intestines. The damage impairs the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. If it’s left untreated, celiac disease can cause long-term health problems. At the momen...

This is the alkaline diet every cancer patient needs to know (Immediately!)

One of the most death-causing diseases nowadays is definitely cancer. It’s extremely widespread throughout the whole world.  Unfortunately, many people struggle with this disease every day. People who are diagnosed with cancer need to know that it is crucial that they make some diet changes in order to relieve the symptoms of this hazardous condition. In this article, we’re going to present you the alkaline diet which every cancer patient should definitely know and try! What’s extremely important for everyone is to maintain good balance of their pH levels, regardless their health condition. The pH levels range from 1 to 14, 7 being the neutral value. The pH level lower than 7 is considered to be acidic. On the other hand, the pH level higher than 7 is alkaline. These pH levels have an impact on the overall health. If we want to keep a good health, we all need to make sure that our body has an alkaline pH level. How is Alkaline Diet Beneficial for Fighting Cancer? The alkal...


Our human body possesses an immune system that is actually defensive against the attacks of various microorganisms that enter our body through many different means. It is comprised of various other tissues and organs and together they fight these foreign bodies. Lungs are also one of the most important organs as they are responsible for the inhaling and storing oxygen, while exhaling carbon dioxide from the body through the nose. If the nose gets blocked because of mucus, it can affect the lung, too. So in this article, we’ve prepared you a magical drink which actually boosts and strengthens the immune system! It is excellent for both adults and kids. In kids it will clear the lungs, and boost the immune system. MUCUS BUILT-UP AND LUNG PROBLEMS Children play in all sorts of dirt, water and filth, so they are bound to fall sick often. Their immune systems are developing and making themselves stronger against the various diseases. The most common things that affect children are...

How to Boost Your Dopamine Levels and Overcome Sadness, Stress and Depression!

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter released by our brain. It is crucial for numerous essential bodily functions. Dopamine is excellent for the following body functions: Regulating movement Controlling the center of pleasure and reward in the brain Improving the cognitive functions (knowledge, attention, memory, decision-making, evaluation, problem solving) Regulating the secretion of prolactin It is extremely important for our wellbeing and happiness, so according to that, the reduced levels of dopamine lead to various health issues, such as depression, sadness, negativity and various emotional troubles. Luckily, we’re here to help you and present to you 10 effective ways to raise the dopamine levels in your body, without using any medications: 1.Exercise Exercises of any kind raise the levels of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphin. Regular exercise provides happiness, strengthens the body and reduces stress. 2.Avoid Addictions Different addictions, for example to: al...

These 9 types of pain are directly linked to emotional stress

The connection between the body and emotions, spirit and mind has often been ignored by the Western medicine. People often experience connections between the emotional and physical, but they usually ignore it. In order to acquire real health, you must start a real journey. These 9 types of pain are the ones directly linked to emotional stress and you mustn’t neglect them! Pay attention! Pain in the head Pain in the head, for example, strong headaches might be caused to everyday stress. Take some time for yourself to ease the stress and relax! Pain in the neck If you have pain in your neck, you might find forgiveness difficult. In case of a neck pain, think about the things you love in people. Pain in the shoulders One of these 9 types of pain is also pain in the shoulders. It could show that you are afflicted with serious emotional burden. Just try to focus on solving the problems and share some of the burden with other people! Pain in the upper back Lack of emo...

10 heart disease symptoms you just ignore

Heart disease is nowadays the number one killer in the world. According to the WHO, 17.3 million people died from cardiovascular diseases in 2008 alone, and by 2030, more than 23 million people will die annually from CVDs. In this article, we’ve decided to present you 10 heart disease symptoms that you shouldn’t ignore! Why is heart disease so deadly? Many people would say it’s because of the bad diet, unhealthy lifestyle, environmental pollution and so on. But one reason that heart disease becomes the number one killer is that many people are slow to seek help when symptoms arise. At worst, many even don’t know the symptoms. Most of the CVD symptoms are not always intense or obvious, and they vary between individuals. It can be really hard to determine the symptoms of a heart problem, so make sure you pay attention to the following 10 heart disease symptoms and look for the doctor’s help if they recur or don’t go away after several hours or a few days: 1. Dizziness and sho...

Stop eating these 8 everyday foods immediately. They can cause cancer

This article is very interesting. It tells us to stop eating these 8 everyday foods immediately! According to new researches, they can cause cancer! Let’s take a look at which are those 8 everyday foods! Microwave Popcorn This food is something we all want to eat. It is a broadly prominent nibble which is ordinarily gathered in sacks which have poisonous coating. Indeed, the coating of the sacks of microwave popcorn has been connected to liver and insusceptible framework harm. This covering contains perfluorooctanoic corrosive, which can trigger various genuine medical problems, as per a UCLA consider. Indeed, even the US Environmental Protection Agency affirms that perfluorooctanoic corrosive is a conceivable cancer-causing agent. Canned Food Another one of the 8 everyday foods we must stop immediately is canned food. On their inside dividers, jars contain BPA so as to shield the sustenance from official with the metal. BPA is a perilous substance utilized as a part of the...

7 Reasons To Do A Kidney Cleanse And What To Juice And Eat For A Good Flush!

The kidneys are major detoxification organs. They are required for eliminating wastes from your body. Also, they help balance body fluids and produce urine, along with supporting other bodily processes. In this article, you will find out why you should make a kidney cleanse, what juices to drink, what foods to avoid, and what foods can help remove toxins and waste from your kidneys. Why should you perform a kidney cleanse? There are numerous reasons why you should perform a kidney cleanse. From relieving bloating to preventing kidney infections, a kidney detox is a simple way to support better health. Here are a few reasons for following a kidney cleanse for several days: Prevent kidney infections Waste and toxins in your kidneys could eventually lead to an infection. A good kidney flushing will help to solve this problem. Prevent kidney stones Kidney stones are usually created due to a buildup of fats, so cleansing your kidney can help cut down on your chances of dev...

How To Grow A Lemon Tree From Seed No Matter Where You Live

When life gives you lemons, make a lemonade.But, should you really stop at lemonade if you have lemons or you want to make more something more? The amazing tropical fruit has numerous health benefits and is one of the best alkaline foods on the planet, which makes it great for reducing the acidity of your body. Lemons were created as a cross between lime and citrus. They were introduced to Europe by the Arabs, and it was Christopher Columbus who brought them to the New World during his second trip in the 15th century. A couple of centuries later, the California Gold Rush miners ate lemons every day as a preventative measure against scurvy, a condition caused by vitamin C deficiency. Lemons are mostly known for their high vitamin C levels, but they also contain numerous other nutrients which can improve your overall health. Here are the top health benefits of eating lemons regularly: Boost the immune system; Keep your pH balance regulated; Lower your risk of cancer thanks ...

You Will Not Believe What Saging Na Saba (Saba Banana) Can Do To Your Body! A Must-Read!

People eat more bananas each year than any other fresh fruit, according to a survey. No wonder, they’re easy to grab and go when you’re in a hurry.But besides being convenient, bananas are healthy for you. Especially, cardava bananas or “Saba Banana” in the Philippines. Though, most Filipinos prefered to eat it cooked, the DMAM said that when you eat cooked banana, you will only get a minimum amount of nutrients because it had already lost its value due to cooking. There are also numerous health benefits that this fruit can contribute to your body such as: They Can Help Regulate Body Circulatory System This fruit is also rich in potassium, so it is also helpful in regulating your body circulatory system by delivering oxygen to the brain, helps maintain the regular heartbeat of your heart and the proper balance of water content in the body. Best in reducing strokes and regulates blood pressure, in short, good at promoting over all circulatory health system. Source Of Vi...

If you crush aspirin and rub it into your hair, this is what happens. I can’t wait to try this!

Aspirin is probably one of the things that we all have at home. It’s excellent for general aches and pains, and is sometimes effective against light fevers, too. For people with heart problems, a daily aspirin regimen can significantly reduce the chances of having a heart attack, as well reducing blood clot formation in people who are at risk for forming clots. Aspirin was first derived from the bark of the willow tree, known since ancient times for its pain relieving properties. The Ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates (the father of medicine, after whom the Hippocratic Oath doctors swear by is named), used to prescribe it to his patients for headaches. The active ingredient in aspirin, salicylic acid, was first isolated by Felix Hoffman in 1897 while he was a chemist at Bayer. Nowadays, nearly 40,000 tons of aspirin are consumed worldwide annually, which makes it one of the most widely used medications on the planet. Aspirin is clearly one of the heavy-hitters of the medical ...


Ginger originates from China, but nowadays people from all around the world use this amazing and super healthy root. Ginger is usually used as a spice on different dishes and meals, but there are people who also use it for medicinal uses. Here are some of its most famous benefits: Fights cancer cells A group of researchers at the UMCCC – University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, has found that ginger’s compound was able to efficiently destroy ovarian cancer cells. It has got a speed in destroying cancer cells which is faster and safer, compared with the platinum based chemotherapy drugs prescribed to ovarian cancer patients. According to medical experts, people who consume ginger rhizomes have lower levels of colon and intestinal inflammation, and they automatically reduce their risk of getting colon cancer. Reduces inflammation Gingerol is the super healthy compound found in ginger. That’s why it’s so efficient in fighting many different health conditions, relate...

10 signs you have a thyroid problem and 10 things you can do about it

Thyroid problem is something we encounter often nowadays. Almost 25 million Americans are suffering from thyroid problems and unfortunately half of them aren’t even aware of that, because the symptoms aren’t that unusual for almost every person. Hypothyroidism is a condition which happens as a result of an under-active thyroid and is responsible for 90% of the cases of thyroid problems. The thyroid is a gland which is located on the front of the neck and is responsible for producing most hormones in the body. Doctors claim that it’s related to everything in our body, so if you have a thyroid problem and your thyroid isn’t functioning properly, your body won’t as well. Here we’re presenting you 10 signs of hypothyroidism: Fatigue even after 8-10 hours of sleep; Unexplained weight gain; Emotional episodes, anxiety and depression; Hormonal imbalance; Muscle pain, joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis; Cold hands or feet; Dry and broken skin, brittle nails and ha...

8 things your eyes are trying to tell you about your health

Whenever something in our body isn’t right, it finds a way to sends us signals. We should always know when something is wrong, but we should first know how to identify those signals. That’s why, here, we’re going to present you 8 things your eyes are trying to tell you about your health! The best way that our body can use to tell us that something is wrong is through our eyes. Your eyes can act as a window into your health believe it or not. Here are 8 things your eyes are showing when something is wrong with your health! 1. A Persisting Stye Stye is something which usually disappears in several days. It can be pretty painful and irritating. Unfortunately, if you have a stye that hasn’t cleared up after about three months, it can be a sign of a rare cancer known as sebaceous gland carcinoma. The same may be true for a stye that keeps occurring in the same location. 2. Eyebrow Hair Loss Hair loss may occur for numerous reasons. There may be a more serious problem if the ou...

Oncologists Urge You To Stop Eating These 8 Foods That Are Proven To Cause Cancer!

According to researches, following an unhealthy diet and being physically inactive could elevate your possibility of developing cancer. It has been estimated by The World Cancer Research Fund that nearly 20% of the total American cancer cases are associated with poor diet, physical inactivity, weight gain, and excess consumption of alcohol. However, like many other diseases, cancer is also a preventable disease. So, you can greatly lower your risk of cancer by: Eating a healthy diet rich in organic veggies and fruits; Quit smoking; Exercising regularly; Maintaining a healthy body weight. HERE IS THE LIST OF TOP 8 FOODS THAT CAN INCREASE YOUR CANCER RISK: 1. REFINED AND ARTIFICIAL SUGARY FOODS It is a well-known fact that the excess intake of foods containing refined sugar and artificial fructose sweeteners, like high-fructose corn syrup can lead to the development of a wide range of health issues.In general, this type of foods can quickly raise the levels of insulin an...


Keeping track of your blood sugar levels is very important, as is recognizing the symptoms of high blood sugar levels. They are easy to identify and should be treated ASAP, as they can harm your health if left untreated. The symptoms may vary depending on numerous factors, but today we’re going to show you the most common symptoms of high blood sugar levels that you need to pay attention to. Hyperglycemia develops when the body isn’t able to produce enough insulin or can’t use it properly. Insulin is a hormone that makes helps glucose from food to enter the body cells where it’s used as energy. However, if you’re suffering from insulin deficiency, the glucose is unable to be absorbed into the bloodstream. If this goes on for a prolonged period, some body parts such as the kidneys, blood vessels, nerves and eyes may be permanently damaged. Here are the main causes of increased blood sugar levels: Physical inactivity; Fatigue; The common cold; Dehydration; Excessive e...

10 Warning Signs That Your Liver Isn’t Functioning Properly. Beware! Those Toxins Are Accumulating In Your Fatty Tissues!

Liver – the heaviest and the second largest organ in the human body. It is probably one of the most hardworking organs of the body and performs a number of functions. It is a key player in our body’s digestive system as whatever you eat or drink passes through it. Our liver sits exactly under the lower rib cage on the right side of our body and is about the size of a football (size may vary from person to person according to the body type). The most important function of the liver is cleaning the blood by getting rid of harmful chemicals present in the body. It also helps in the production of bile, which, in turn, helps in breaking down the fat in the body. It helps in the storing of sugar (glucose), which provides a quick energy boost whenever required by the body. The liver flushes out harmful toxins and wastes from the body. Hence, it is very important to take care of the liver and ensure that it is in good condition. If not taken proper care of, the liver slows down, and to...