Ginger originates from China, but nowadays people from all around the world use this amazing and super healthy root. Ginger is usually used as a spice on different dishes and meals, but there are people who also use it for medicinal uses. Here are some of its most famous benefits:

Fights cancer cells

A group of researchers at the UMCCC – University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, has found that ginger’s compound was able to efficiently destroy ovarian cancer cells. It has got a speed in destroying cancer cells which is faster and safer, compared with the platinum based chemotherapy drugs prescribed to ovarian cancer patients. According to medical experts, people who consume ginger rhizomes have lower levels of colon and intestinal inflammation, and they automatically reduce their risk of getting colon cancer.

Reduces inflammation

Gingerol is the super healthy compound found in ginger. That’s why it’s so efficient in fighting many different health conditions, related to cell inflammation. A research carried out on patients who were suffering from arthritis and muscular pains both demonstrated significant outcomes in pain relief and muscle swelling. Ginger is also very useful and highly beneficial for patients who are experiencing diseases that are caused by cell inflammation like: obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, etc.

Stops acid reflux

A recent study, published in the famous journal Molecular Research and Food Nutrition, has demonstrated that the researchers who contrasted certain ginger compounds to those of acid blocker drugs and came to an end that the ginger compounds worked six times better than the drug. This type of acid blocker drug is able to destroy the stomach acid barrier, which will expand the danger of getting ulcers or even stomach cancer. Just add some ginger to your meals or make a ginger tea. It will help you get rid of acid reflux instantly.

Prevents morning sickness

All future mothers are highly recommended to consult their doctor before using any type of herb or medication. Some women claim that ginger helped them to reduce nausea and vomiting. The daily dose that is usually prescribed is tablets of 200 mg every 4 hours.

Alleviates a cough and sooths a sore throat

Ginger is used to make the best and most effective home remedies for cough and sore throats. Boil some water with some ginger slices, add lemon and honey and you’ll get the best home remedy for soothing sore throat and clearing nasal congestion!

Improves digestion and also stops flatulence

One of the most effective herbs for calming upset stomach is precisely ginger. Just boil slices of ginger for several minutes and add some honey inside. When it comes to flatulence, doctors usually prescribe doses of 250 to 500 mg up to 3 times every day.

Relives headache

Ginger is the best homemade remedy for treating the terrible and annoying migraine! Mix some ginger, cayenne pepper and add some peppermint inside. Add 1 tsp. of cayenne pepper and 1 tsp. of dried peppermint in boiling water. Then, add slices of ginger and let it simmer for 5 minutes so that you can make this drink even more powerful! Note: don’t add sugar! It’s highly recommended that you only add raw honey or some stevia! And here’s a more traditional ginger method for treating migraines: add 1 tsp. of ginger powder in a small amount of water and make a paste out of it. Then, apply this paste on your forehead. It will help you get rid of migraines instantly!

Soothes a toothache

People use ginger for soothing toothaches. Ginger’s pain relieving properties are the main cause for this. Just rub some raw ginger onto your gums, and your pain will disappear! You can also boil water with some ginger inside, let it cool of and use it as a mouthwash.

Stimulates blood circulation

Here’s a home remedy which improves blood circulation: put 50 grams of grated ginger rhizomes in a piece of cloth. After that, squeeze the juice in a basin containing 4 to 5 liters of hot water and then apply it on the affected area. This home remedy will show you how to make ginger compress in order to dissolve the accumulated toxins in your body.

Other health benefits of ginger:

Patients who have recently had an operation should chew on a piece of ginger in order to prevent nausea and vomiting.

Chew on a piece of ginger right before you eat, because the ginger will increase your appetite and it will activate the digestive juices.

People with muscle strains, especially athletes, are strongly advised to combine the ginger paste with turmeric and use the mixture to rub on the affected area. Use this paste at least twice every day.

Diabetic patients should drink a glass of ginger water in the morning before they eat breakfast. Ginger water will help them stabilize the glucose levels in their blood.

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