Our human body possesses an immune system that is actually defensive against the attacks of various microorganisms that enter our body through many different means. It is comprised of various other tissues and organs and together they fight these foreign bodies.

Lungs are also one of the most important organs as they are responsible for the inhaling and storing oxygen, while exhaling carbon dioxide from the body through the nose. If the nose gets blocked because of mucus, it can affect the lung, too. So in this article, we’ve prepared you a magical drink which actually boosts and strengthens the immune system! It is excellent for both adults and kids. In kids it will clear the lungs, and boost the immune system.


Children play in all sorts of dirt, water and filth, so they are bound to fall sick often. Their immune systems are developing and making themselves stronger against the various diseases. The most common things that affect children are cold and cough. But, if in case the cold and coughing persists, it means that mucus is building up in the lungs and it can be serious.

Mucus is made by our bodies and it makes a lot of it. Close to 1 to 2 liters of mucus is made every single day. Most of the time we spit it out, but when we or children suffer from cold, it tends to clog our breathing tubes and can become a general nuisance. The buildup can also be caused by allergies. If it persists, it becomes a serious problem or you see greenish color phlegm or blood mixed with the mucus. It means that something is wrong with your lungs and you need to visit a doctor.


Our immune system’s major role is to protect the body against diseases or against the foreign bodies which can cause potential harm. Numerous threats can be identified and they may include viruses, bacteria, parasites and germs and differentiates between them and the body’s own healthy tissues and bacteria. Our immune system consists of the lymph nodes, which produce and store the cells which are sent to fight against the viruses and bacteria of diseases. The next important component of the immune system is the spleen. It contains white blood cells, and controls the amount of blood in the body. The bone marrow is a component that produces white blood cells and stores the stem cells that can morph into any human cell.

These components combined with some other parts of the body form the immune system keep us safe from most of the diseases against which it produces anti-bodies. That kills the viruses that may morph into a disease. Now, we’re presenting you a drink that can boost your immune system and do wonders for your lungs!

  • All you need are oats, honey and water to prepare it.
  • Rinse the oats with some water and mix it with 1 glass of honey and one glass of water.
  • The glass required to measure the honey and water should be of 100 ml capacity.
  • Boil the mixture for several minutes and leave it as it is for the night time.
  • Strain the drink in the morning and store it in a glass bottle.
  • Keep the mixture refrigerated and it will last for the entire week.
Drink 30-40 ml of this drink on an empty stomach. Children can also drink this and boost their immune system. Continue doing this for 40 days. Take a break of 15 days in the middle and then repeat for 40 days. Do not miss the days and make sure you do it for 40 days! For children, this can mean that the immune system will be strong enough to fight any kind of virus and bacteria and they do not need to repeat the process again and again.

This drink is going to eliminate the formation of excess mucus in your throat and lungs completely. The lungs will be cleared of any obstruction and they will be able to work freely. You or your child will never wheeze or spit out gross colored phlegm ever again! You’ll breathe freely again!

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