8 Early Warnings Your Body Is Low in Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a true friend of the skin. Like vitamins A and E, vitamin C is a potent antioxidant. It reduces damage caused by free radicals, protects the skin from sunlight, helps wound healing and improves the tone.

Foods rich in vitamin C

Green vegetables, citrus fruits, potatoes, tomatoes, and parsley are rich in vitamin C.

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, helps bone healing, reduce bad cholesterol and normalize blood pressure. It acts preventively in the prevention of cancer, heart disease, sclerosis, and arthritis.

It is well known to all of us that vitamin C strengthens the immune system and makes it more resistant to viruses and colds. Therefore, in periods when colds are common, you should take vitamin C.

8 Early Warnings Your Body Is Low in Vitamin C

Some of the symptoms that occur in vitamin C deficiency (hypovitaminosis C) are:

1. Fatigue
People who have a deficiency of vitamin C are often tired and do not have much energy. However, since fatigue is a symptom of many illnesses and health conditions, it is very difficult to determine vitamin C deficiency, only from this symptom;

2. Mood swings
Vitamin C deficiency affects the mood and makes it changeable. The irritability and the short tolerance threshold, the turbulence, are additional features;

3. Weight loss
People with an excessive lack of vitamin C in their system can be witnessed at a sudden loss of weight;

4. Joint and muscle pain
The lack of vitamin C makes it difficult for tissue regeneration, and hence these types of pain occur;

5. Bruises and harder healing of wounds
Those who do not have enough vitamin C in their blood for a long period of time, tend to easily get bruises, even with minimal physical injuries. The bruises are harder disappearing in them, and the wounds harder to heal;

6. Problems with teeth and gums
Diet rich in vitamin C prevents much of the diseases in the teeth and gums. Lack of causing problems usually with the gums and a condition called scurvy described above in the text;

7. Dry hair and skin
The inability to synthesize collagen, due to the lack of vitamin C, leads to the appearance of dry skin and hair;

8. Infections
When we do not have enough vitamin C in the body, the immunity and the ability of the body to successfully fight with infections diminishes over time.

Some scientists believe that hypervitaminosis C cannot be developed because part of the vitamin C is discharged into the urine. But recent studies in this area show that there are cases of overdose with vitamin C. Some of the symptoms that indicate hypervitaminosis C is a headache and stomach upset.

How much vitamin C is recommended to enter

The recommended daily vitamin C needs vary by gender and age.

Vitamin C loses its value when it is exposed to high fats, so keep it from fresh foods.
  • Children (0-6 months) – 40mg
  • Children (7-12 months) – 50mg
  • Kids (1-3 years) – 15mg
  • Children (4-8 years) – 25mg
  • Men (9-13 years) – 45mg
  • Men (14-18 years) – 75mg
  • Males (19 years and up) – 90mg
  • Women (9-13 years) – 45mg
  • Women (14-18 years) – 65mg
  • Females (19 years and up) – 75mg
  • Pregnant women (19 years and up) – 85mg
  • Breastfeeding (19 years and up) – 120mg
When you need to receive additional vitamin C

If you are a smoker. It has been proven that every smoked cigarette leads to a loss of 10-30 mg of vitamin C.

If you regularly drink alcohol. Frequent consumption of alcohol leads to a loss of vitamin C and many other vitamins.

If you are under emotional stress.

With active sports. If you are dealing with bodybuilding, fitness, boxing, athletics or other sport in which a lot of effort is made, your body also needs extra vitamin C.

If you are eating boiled or fried foods. Vitamin C loses its value when exposed to high temperatures.

During pregnancy. During pregnancy, it is necessary to enter more vitamins than in other periods of the woman’s life. Vitamin C is no exception. But if you decide to receive vitamin C as a dietary supplement, first consult a doctor.

If you frequently use aspirin.

Foods rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C is not retained for a long time in our body, so it should be given daily. It is found in green vegetables, tomatoes, red fruits (blackberries, raspberries, blueberries), citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruit), parsley, also potatoes, etc.

When consuming vitamin C through the diet you need to be careful, because it very easily loses its value in the cooking process. Vitamin C is not very durable either at high or low temperatures. Therefore fruits and vegetables cooked for 10-20 minutes lose half of the vitamin C they contain.

Therefore, you should eat fresh vegetables or fruits or cook them on steam. So you will enter the maximum amount of this vitamin.

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