5 Surprising Reasons Why You Feel Nauseous

It’s normal for people to feel nauseous after having too much food the night before or overindulging in oily food or alcohol.

Nausea is a symptom which is very general and can be caused by many things. There are a variety of reasons for the feeling of nausea. It can be as simple as having too much McDonalds or more serious things like pancreatic cancer. If you start having nausea regularly and continuously then you should seek medical help.

Nausea becomes more problematic if it starts hampering your daily life and makes it difficult for you to maintain proper nutrition.

This article goes behind 5 reasons why you could be feeling nausea:

1. Migraines
Occurrence of nausea along with migraines is common. Many people can’t understand the connection between both these things but it is common to have a sick feeling of nausea when your head is pounding. Moreover the cause of nausea in migraines is still unknown because doctors are still unclear about the reasons behind why some people have migraines.

2. Pelvic Congestion Syndrome
In many cases nausea and even abdominal aches occurs because a person is affected by “Pelvic Congestion Syndrome”. Astoundingly, this cause remains undiagnosed in many people. The real cause behind “Pelvic Congestion Syndrome” is a lack of veins in the the pelvis.

The problem is similar to “varicose veins”. The veins in the pelvic area get swollen and dilate hence they occupy more area. These swollen veins because of their larger area push on the organs in abdominal cavity and even bladder.

This causes a multitude of problems but thankfully this problem can be treated easily by doctors.

3. Staying in Stress
We all know how bad stress is for all of us but many of us may not know that stress may also cause nausea and that too very often. This is because stress causes gastritis. Gastritis is when the facing of our stomach gets swollen.

This problem can be easily cured by learning how to deal with stress. This can include anything from physical activity, yoga or even therapy. Also people need to develop good food habits to stay stress free this means consuming food in regular intervals, reducing intake of spices and letting go of caffeine based drinks.

4. Gallstones
Gallstones can cause many symptoms these include throwing up often as well as a continuous nauseous feeling. If your body temperature is high and you feel sharp pain in the right side of body then this may as well be a sign of gall bladder stones.

Moreover if you pass out waste the color of tar or if your vomit looks like coffee then this may be a sign of ulcerations and blood in your intestinal tract or gut.

5. Taking Pills
Another cause of nausea can be your daily capsule of vitamins or even oral contraceptive pills. This is why it is recommended to take any over the counter drugs along with meals and never on any empty stomach. If this doesn’t help ease the feeling you should definitely go to your doctor.

And of course another reason for all the nausea can be that you are expecting a baby. But unlike popular feeling nausea isn’t usually the first sign of nausea and occurs later. Most women face nausea after 1 or 2 months of being pregnant and they may already know by that time that they are expecting. This is the case for women with regular periods but for women whose monthly cycles are irregular the feeling of nausea especially in the morning may be a first sign of pregnancy. Morning sickness and nausea can be tough to deal with when pregnant and medical consultation may be necessary if it hampers proper food intake. In this case medicines and vitamins can ease the problem.

But even after this if you find that your nausea doesn’t have a certain reason then in general evaluate whether anything is messing with the lining of the stomach. This can include spices, alcohol, oily food and even cigarettes.

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