
20 Medications That Cause Memory Loss, Stop Using Them

If you are having trouble remembering things and you have taken some of the medications we are about to talk about, then that might be the problem. In the past, doctors thought that memory loss was only a part of the aging process. However, nowadays, scientists claim that memory loss is not inevitable. Actually, our brain can grow new cells and reshape the connection during life. A lot of people are aware of all the things that can cause memory loss, like for instance alcohol and drugs, also, head injuries, strikes, heavy smoking, severe stress, sleep deprivation, lack of vitamin B12, or illnesses like Alzheimer’s. What most people do not know that some prescribed drugs can also affect your memory. Unfortunately, the number one death cause in the United States is adverse drug reactions. Actually, prescription drugs cause more than 100.000 deaths per year, and over 1.5 million hospitalized patients that have experienced adverse drug effects. MEDICATIONS THAT

How to Fall Asleep in 2 Minutes According to the US Navy

Sleep deprivation is a very common problem that struggles people all around the world – even the most rested people have problems sleeping at night, maybe because they haven’t done anything for the whole day! Talking about the USA, it is estimated that above 70 million people suffer from insomnia and sleep deprivation. Psychologist say that it is due to an imbalanced daily regimen, emotional crisis and mental difficulties handling them as well as too much information our brain is getting on a daily bases, from ads on every corner, to insignificant scrolling on social networks and Internet. However, there’s a technique designed for the people who have the most problems falling asleep – the US navy. Can you imagine falling asleep after a grenade exploded in front of you, killing a bunch of people you knew? This amazing method is described in a book called “Relax and Win: Championship Performance”, written and published back in the 1981. The method you’re about

Here’s How To Use Coconut Oil To Stop Your Hair From Falling Out, Thinning Or Going Gray

One of the healthiest components on the planet is coconut oil due to its numerous health properties. Manufacturers often add it in sunblocks, charm items, and body creams because it is extremely beneficial for your skin, hair, and nails. Women from India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka Carribean, Philippines, and Burma used coconut oil on a daily basis to keep their hair long, silky and naturally colored. Here are some of the best benefits of coconut oil for your hair: Gray Hair The follicles of the hair which give the hair its color pass away after some time and become less effective. To prevent that, massage the scalp with lemon and coconut oil for 15 minutes on a daily basis. This will prevent your hair from becoming gray. Repairs Hair Damage Coconut oil decreases protein loss while it enhances the shaft. Just apply it at the end of your hair, but also make sure to cut them every 6 weeks. Prevents Loss of hair Certain factors like fungal infections, n

How To Get Rid Of a Stye Overnight

Stye is one of the most irritating things that can happen to your eye. It is a painful process until it gets out on the surface. It represents a red bump, something like a pimple, which appears on the edge from outside on the eyelid. Basically, in our eyes, we have very small glands which serve for producing oil. They are called oily glands. Some dead skin, not regular removing of the make up, any kind of dirt can clog the holes which bring oil and water to the eye. When the gland is blocked, literary it will support the growing of bacteria, so it makes a Stye. How will you know that it is a Stye? Well, the symptoms of stye are very typical. You cannot mix it with something else. Except with some allergies. But, when you will wait a couple of hours, or overnight, you will see it. The Stye will get out on the surface. The symptoms often are pain and swelling, but this is okay, any kind of bacteria reacts with these symptoms, next you will have more tears produ

Want To Quit Smoking? This Herb Instantly Destroys Your Desire For Nicotine (and How To Grow It)

Smoking is one of the most harmful habits, and its quitting can be extremely hard for some people. Nicotine is the substance which causes the addiction, and it forces the body to crave for more. So the more you smoke, the more nicotine is needed. Also, when you do not enter nicotine in the body, the withdrawal phase occurs, which can be quite difficult before your body gets used to the new life without cigarettes. The physical symptoms last for a week, but the nicotine cravings can last longer. Yet, Stevia is a herb which can help you quit this habit. According to a recent German study, Stevia can help you stop drinking and smoking, as it blocks the craving signals for nicotine from the brain. This herb has been long used as a sweetener and is a member of the chrysanthemum family, native to Paraguay. All you need is a few drops of Stevia, and you need to drop them directly on the tongue when you crave for cigarettes. It will instantly stop the

You Should Learn To Keep Your Mouth Shut About These 5 Things

In today’s world, with Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and all sorts of other ways of globalizations and social media networking, most of us don’t really have a private life. Which is wrong. Not all should have information about your private life, because you don’t really know how they might use it! Though you may have many likes and comments on your graduation picture, let me tell you honestly, not THAT many people are actually happy about your successes and happy stories. You have to be the one to make a selection for the people in your life and even more, better observe them before giving out your personal information. In today’s article I’ve decided to present 5 types of personal information you should most definitely keep to yourself, before really knowing someone or making a deep relationship trust. 1. Material belongings Lately, it seems the social networks are bloated with material belongings such as phones, cars, jewelry, expensive clot

Here Is Everything You Should Know about Thyroid Disorders! (Signs, Symptoms, Causes, and Natural Remedies!)

Thyroid gland is endocrine gland that is located in the neck and has butterfly-shape. The thyroid secretes two hormones into the blood: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). The hormones secreted by the thyroid regulate the growth and development through the rate of metabolism and the protein synthesis. Doctors warn that thyroid disorders are very common nowadays and scientists have estimated that 1 out of 20 people is at risk to experience some type of thyroid disorder during the lifetime. Despite the fact that thyroid disorders most commonly affect women, men, children and teenagers also may experience issues with the thyroid. The thyroid gland may be affected by several diseases, and the most common are hyperthyroidismand hypothyroidism and both occur as a result of thyroid hormone imbalance. Hyperthyroidism is condition when the thyroid gland is abnormally active and as a result of that produces excessive amounts of thyroid hormones which resul