
Do You Leave A Glass Of Water On Your Nightstand? This Is Why It Taste Weird In The Morning

Have you ever kept a glass of unsealed water by the bed throughout the night? Did it not taste ‘off’ when you drank it the next morning? You may think that the glass of water has lost all its freshness. But is it possible for water to expire? If you see it has bubbles, you might want to think twice before you drink it. When it comes to water that seems stale, several factors may be involved. Firstly, it’s important to note that water isn’t only made up of H20 molecules – it also contains plenty of other molecules and ions that can alter the taste of plain, old water. Whether it’s from the tap or from the bottle, water that’s been sitting overnight will start undergoing some chemical reactions. That’s because water absorbs the carbon dioxide from the environment. This alters its natural pH and makes it more acidic (which explains the off-taste). But if it’s been sitting out in a clean glass for just one night, it should be safe to drink. Just be warned: this may still ex

Turmeric Water: The Most Healing Water for Your Thyroid, Brain, and Liver

Turmeric, still known as the golden spice, is one of the most powerful natural remedies due to the curcumin contained in it. When processed in powder it has a warm and slightly bitter taste reminiscent of mustard-flavored black pepper. In addition to giving the dishes an extraordinarily good taste and freshness, the turmeric has tremendously positive effects on the human body in terms of its strong antibacterial, antiviral and anticancer properties. If you are looking for a natural remedy that contains a range of vitamins, minerals, folic acid as well as fiber, your quest may end here. Turmeric is especially effective when consumed in the morning on an empty stomach in a glass of boiling water. Prepare this drink, consume it for several consecutive weeks, and witness your own transformation and improvement of your personal health. WHAT DO YOU NEED? Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder 1 tablespoon hot water 1 teaspoon honey Black pepper ground Add turmeric to

12 Facts About Farting You Probably Didn’t Know

We feel annoyed when we find people doing regular bodily functions in public like burping or hiccups. The most embarrassing and sometimes a point to laugh is farting in public. Yes, and people can judge you as mannerless if you fart in public. All we know about fart is that it is part of the digestive process. People make weird sounds when they fart and most annoying is the bad smell of fart when it comes out from anybody bum However, there are many other facts related to fart. Here are 12 unknown facts about fart which might be surprising for you. 1. Men are master of farting, not saying in a funny way but it is true that men tend to fart more as compared to women. 2. The word fart was coined in 1962. Its meaning is the wind coming from the anus. 3. A normal person actually farts 14 times in a day. You can keep watch on it. 4. And yes, by farting 14 times a day we actually blow the air which is enough to fill up a balloon. 5. This is not something to be humiliated ab


Some of the products we use every day have various purposes and some parts that are unique and unusual as well. Many people are baffled by these parts’ purpose – for example, do you know what the small pockets on female underwear are for? Here are 6 products we use every day and the purpose of their specific parts: The pockets on your panties The pockets on female underwear are added for better comfort. This layer is made of soft cotton and it’s not sewn down in order to make you more comfortable. The diamond-shaped holes on backpacks These holes were used as a camping equipment for hiking and allow easier tying of the backpack. Bobbles on hats This part on hats first appeared in the 19th century among French sailors. At that time, the cabins in the ships had a low roof, and the bobbles were added as a safety measure. Later, the bobbles were added on knitted hats as a unique detail. Nowadays, the bobbles are used solely as an aesthetic feature. Lines on trous


Table salt is composed of sodium chloride, a chemical substance that is a part of a larger class of salts. Sea salt, on the contrary, along with bay and solar salt are formed by evaporation of the sea water. This ingredient is significant for people’s life, being consumed on daily basis for cooking. However, salt can be used in beauty products as well. It can do miracles to your hair and skin. USE SALT FOR HAIR: Anti-oily hair – oily hair results of excessively active sebaceous glands on the scalp that produce too much oil. This issue can be solved with salt. Just add 2-3 tbsp. in your shampoo to wash your hair with it. After the first treatment you will notice positive results. You will have hair without excess oil. ANTI-DANDRUFF TREATMENT dandruff is a layer formed on the scalp form small pieces of dead skin cells. Salt can stimulate circulation and eliminate dandruff flakes, protecting your scalp from fungal growth. You need to divide your hair into sections and sprinkle 1

Missing This Vitamin In Your Diet Can Increase Your Risk of Frequent Migraines By 300%

Migraine headaches are extremely common and can last from a few hours to three days. Unfortunately, these headaches are one of the least understood and poorly treated medical disorders, since they are likely to result of a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and neurological factors that vary from person to person. Moreover, the experiences of those suffering from migraines also vary to a great extent. Besides the common symptoms such as throbbing, searing pain, which may or may not be one-sided, some patients also experience “auras” prior to onset, while others do not. Migraines may also cause chills, sweating, nausea, vomiting, fever, and/or sensitivity to light, sound, and smells in some cases. Research has shown that more than 300 million people worldwide — about 6 to 7 percent of men and 15 to 18 percent of women — suffer from migraine headaches, and an estimated 20 million migraine attacks occur every single day. Causes Of a Migraine The causes of migraines


Many anal cancers can be found early in the course of the disease. Early anal cancers often have signs and symptoms that lead people to see a doctor. Unfortunately, some anal cancers may not cause symptoms until they reach an advanced stage. Other anal cancers can cause symptoms like those of diseases other than cancer. This may delay their diagnosis. Anal cancer is a type of cancer that begins at the opening of the rectum (also known as anus). This unusual form of cancer is overlooked by almost everyone due to the location of the affected area. Most people who have experienced the symptoms of anal cancer do not discuss it with neither their doctor nor the people they know due to embarrassment. The odds that anal cancer can be found early depend on the location and type of the cancer. Cancers that begin higher up in the anal canal are less likely to cause symptoms and be found early. Anal melanomas tend to spread earlier than other cancers, making it harder to diagnose them ear