Coconut Oil And Lemon Juice The Best Remedy For Gray Hair
Gray hair on the head is the worst nightmare of almost anyone.. Gray hair is automatically related to aging, so everyone tries to prevent it from occurring in any way they can. People are ready to do just about anything to resolve gray hair, including the use of suspicious products and paying thousands of dollars for treatments that rarely work There is a way of eliminating and preventing gray hair without resorting to dangerous treatments. There are many natural remedies which can help, and they all depend on the underlying cause for the premature graying. Experts consider an unhealthy lifestyle and diet, thyroid disorders, chemical exposure, hormonal imbalance and smoking the main risk factors for premature graying. Introduce some changes in your lifestyle and get rid of the harmful habits. You can try the following remedy: Ingredients Extra-virgin coconut oil 3 teaspoons lemon juice Instructions It’s simple – just mix the ingredients together and apply the rem...