3 Essential Home Remedies for Unclogging Arteries

We all know that arteries carry oxygenated blood from the heart to all parts of the body. Doctors say that the arteries are healthy only when blood flows through them very smoothly and the walls in the arteries remain smooth. But with time and age, and with bad eating habits and unhealthy lifestyles, the arteries accumulate plaque leading to clogging, which obstructs the smooth flow of blood, thereby causing heart diseases and heart attacks. Like we say, it is better to be cautious from the very beginning rather than to be careful once the damage is done. So, detoxifying or unclogging arteries should be a part of our daily routine. Presenting Three Essential Home Remedies for Unclogging Arteries: 1. Garlic and Lemon Drink Method of Preparation: Take around 20-30 garlic cloves, remove the skin and wash them properly. Take 4-5 organic lemons preferably the ones with thin skin, wash them thoroughly. Cut the lemons with their skin in small pieces. Chop the garlic too. Now put t...