How To Grow A Lemon Tree From Seed No Matter Where You Live

When life gives you lemons, make a lemonade.But, should you really stop at lemonade if you have lemons or you want to make more something more? The amazing tropical fruit has numerous health benefits and is one of the best alkaline foods on the planet, which makes it great for reducing the acidity of your body. Lemons were created as a cross between lime and citrus. They were introduced to Europe by the Arabs, and it was Christopher Columbus who brought them to the New World during his second trip in the 15th century. A couple of centuries later, the California Gold Rush miners ate lemons every day as a preventative measure against scurvy, a condition caused by vitamin C deficiency. Lemons are mostly known for their high vitamin C levels, but they also contain numerous other nutrients which can improve your overall health. Here are the top health benefits of eating lemons regularly: Boost the immune system; Keep your pH balance regulated; Lower your risk of cancer thanks ...