Know The 10 Signs of Lung Cancer Before It’s Too Late!

Be Aware Of These Symptoms For Possible Lung Cancer According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer can be a silent killer because of its subtle and often overlooked symptoms. Even if you don’t smoke, that fact doesn’t make you immune to lung cancer. This disease can occur to nearly anyone, so it’s critical to be aware of specific signs that could point to cancer development. Catching any cancer early on allows you to possibly recover and live a long life afterward. 1. Bloody Cough Everyone coughs up phlegm at times, especially when you’re sick, but blood should never be involved. If you cough up a few drops of blood, that’s an indication that you must visit a doctor. The blood loss will only worsen over time. 2. Unexplained Weight Loss Losing weight is usually a positive event, but excessive weight loss without any lifestyle changes is an immediate warning sign of possible cancer. The body isn’t using nutrients efficiently, so it’s expelling them. As a result, you ...