Have Papaya Leaf Juice And Cure These Health Issues

We all know of the papaya benefits too well but we do not know enough about the benefit of papaya leaf. They have many nutrients good for our health and cure many issues from cancer to dengue fever. The studies claimed that the papaya leaf has many phytonutrients that make metabolism faste and blood flow better and also provide antioxidants. These leafs are good due to the papain, an alkaloid that is phenolic by nature. Those items in the papaya leaf, papain and the chymopapain, make digestion of proteins better and solves digestive issues like the bloated belly. But then the alkaloid carpaine is chemo-protection and prevention for cancer people. THE BENEFITS OF THE PAPAYA LEAF Blood platelets – for serious illnesses to keep these platelets on high level is vital. The papaya juice provides this well. Healthy liver – the papaya leaf juice nourishes the liver and cures jaundice, liver cancer or cirrhosis. Less diseases – these leaves have acetogenin that stops the dengue ...