Mix These 3 Ingredients To Regrow Thick, Strong Hair In No Time!

Everyone loses hair. So if you notice a few strands of hair on the floor in your bathroom, it might not be cause for concern. It’s normal to lose about 50-100 hairs per day. But if you begin to notice bald patching or excessive thinning, you may be experiencing hair loss. What Causes Hair Loss? Millions of people experience hair loss for different reasons. When hair loss happens suddenly, it may be due to illness, diet, medicine or childbirth. When hair loss happens more gradually, it may be hereditary. Factors that can cause hair loss include: Hereditary thinning or baldness Autoimmune disease Major surgery Severe infections Cancer treatments Childbirth Menopause Stress Weight loss Iron deficiency Eating disorder Medication Hair products Natural Hair Tonic Men and women alike often spend thousands each year on hair products that promise to make their hair thicker, longer and give them a healthy shine. There are many factors that can cause hair loss a...