7 Foods That Flush Mucus From Your Body

Purification of the lungs allows you to release this important organ from tar, mucus and toxins, to reduce the risk of infection and cancer, to increase the capacity and to improve the general health of the respiratory system. Cleaning of the lungs is especially recommended for active and passive smokers and people living in areas with polluted air. There are several basic methods by which you can clear the lungs and flush mucus from your body. Inhalation with essential oils Regularly (2-3 times a week) do inhalation with essential oils: eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary or thyme. This will help you quickly clear your lungs from toxins and excess mucus. You do not need to buy a specialized device for such inhalation. Simply heat the water in the pot and add a few drops of natural essential oil in it. Breathe in the warm steam that will instantly become pleasant and relaxing, so it will ease breathing problems. It can also be used in influenza, colds, bronchitis, laryng...