These 9 types of pain are directly linked to emotional stress
The connection between the body and emotions, spirit and mind has often been ignored by the Western medicine. People often experience connections between the emotional and physical, but they usually ignore it. In order to acquire real health, you must start a real journey. These 9 types of pain are the ones directly linked to emotional stress and you mustn’t neglect them! Pay attention! Pain in the head Pain in the head, for example, strong headaches might be caused to everyday stress. Take some time for yourself to ease the stress and relax! Pain in the neck If you have pain in your neck, you might find forgiveness difficult. In case of a neck pain, think about the things you love in people. Pain in the shoulders One of these 9 types of pain is also pain in the shoulders. It could show that you are afflicted with serious emotional burden. Just try to focus on solving the problems and share some of the burden with other people! Pain in the upper back Lack of emo...