Keeping track of your blood sugar levels is very important, as is recognizing the symptoms of high blood sugar levels. They are easy to identify and should be treated ASAP, as they can harm your health if left untreated. The symptoms may vary depending on numerous factors, but today we’re going to show you the most common symptoms of high blood sugar levels that you need to pay attention to. Hyperglycemia develops when the body isn’t able to produce enough insulin or can’t use it properly. Insulin is a hormone that makes helps glucose from food to enter the body cells where it’s used as energy. However, if you’re suffering from insulin deficiency, the glucose is unable to be absorbed into the bloodstream. If this goes on for a prolonged period, some body parts such as the kidneys, blood vessels, nerves and eyes may be permanently damaged. Here are the main causes of increased blood sugar levels: Physical inactivity; Fatigue; The common cold; Dehydration; Excessive e...