14 Plants To Clean Your Lungs And Stop The Coughing, Bronchitis And Asthma

Especially during the winter, we are prone to bacterial and viral infections that can damage the lungs and our respiratory system. These issues often lead to the following symptoms: Coughing Chest pain Throat irritation Excess mucus Shortness of breath Wheezing Coughing out blood or phlegm Tightness in the chest Back or chest tenderness Body aches Extreme fatigue Hoarseness Fever The most common lung diseases include asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis, pleurisy, emphysema, and cancer. Fortunately, there are powerful natural ways to relieve the symptoms and improve the health of your lungs. The following 14 plants effectively treat asthma, bronchitis, relieve coughs, and clear the lungs: 1. Cannabis The strong anticancer properties of cannabis make it one of the most effective anti-cancer natural remedies. Its inhalation also fights bronchitis and sinusitis and alleviates oral cavity infections in smokers. 2. Eucalyptus...