What Does The Color Of Your Urine Say About Your Health

Do you pay attention on the color changes of your urine? Well, if the answer is NO, you definitely should check the color, odor or consistency of urine because these changes can tell a lot about your overall health. Trough the urine, our body removes the excess water and salt, but in same time removes the urea and other waste substances which are removed from the blood by the kidneys. Normal color of the urine is yellowish, but there are certain foods, beverages, medications or some diseases which can change the color and odor of the urine. For example, if you drink small amount of water, your urine will have a darker color and will become more concentrated. Abnormal Urine Colors There are many factors that change the color of the urine, and the urine can become dark brown, blue, red, cloudy white or even green. As it is already mentioned, certain foods, an infection, medications or even some very serious medical condition will change the urine color. So, if you not...