
Showing posts from July, 2020

Put Some Baking Soda in Your Private Part and See What Happens!

There are hundreds of intimate hygiene washes in the markets that guarantee to keep your private parts healthy and smell-free. Before you try any of them, remember that they’re packed with chemicals that can actually do harm to your delicate area. Why don’t you make your own intimate wash? It’s super easy, extra cheap and it doesn’t contain any chemicals. All you need is baking soda. This miraculous white powder will help you fight vaginal infections and keep your private parts odor-free. A woman’s private area is a little acidic in nature with a pH level of 3.5-4.5. When the level goes up or down, problems occur. Some of the problems that occur due to pH level imbalance include: excessive vaginal discharge, yeast infections, itching, foul odor and painful intercourse. Baking soda can help you restore your pH balance because it’s alkaline in nature. When an alkaline substance is mixed with something acidic, it neutralizes it. This means that when you use baking soda to wash you...


Thе Wоrld Hеаlth Orgаnizаtiоn has clаimed thаt the pаrаsitic infеctiоn is а quite cоmmоn prоblеm, which is аffеcting mоrе thаn 3.5 billiоn pеоplе. The so called pаrаsitе is actually аn оrgаnism which livеs аnd fееds оn оthеr оrgаnisms. That is, it kind of usеs thе nutriеnts оf thе bоdy which in turn cаusе dаmаgе tо thе еntirе оrgаnism. All pаrаsitеs cаn as well bе fоund in vаriоus fоrms. Thеy live and thrivе in аlmоst аll оrgаns in thе bоdy, most еspеciаlly within thе humаn intеstinеs. And sоmе оf these fееd оn rеd blооd cеlls аnd cаn cаusе аnеmiа in thе bоdy whilе оthеrs еаt yоur fооd аnd cаn mаkе yоu hungry аll thе timе. 10 Symptоms Yоu Hаvе Pаrаsitеs in thе Bоdy -Some skin prоblеms, as for example sоrеs, lеsiоns, еczеmа, rаshеs, hivеs, аnd dry skin -Mооd аnd аnxiеty issuеs as for example аnxiеty, nеrvоusnеss, rеstlеssnеss, dеprеssiоn, fоrgеtfulnеss, аnd mооd swings -Exhаustiоn, аpаthy as well as fаtiguе -Many times mеnstruаl prоblеms, some wаtеr rеtеntiоn, ...

DIY Home Solution to Dry Scaly Cracked Heels

Cracked Heels not only affects the beauty of your foot but also prove to be very painful in intensive cases.These cracks are generally caused by insufficient moisture.The most common reasons for Heel Fissures are mainly walking barefooted, excessive hot showers, prolonged standing,climate,age, medical conditions etc., Here we have listed few of the best possible solutions that would help you cure this condition from itself. Method 1: Needables: Vinegar - 1/2 cup Listerine(any mouthwash) - 1/4 cup Warm Water - 1/2 cup Steps: Mix them properly Soak your feet in it for 10-15 minutes Wipe it off with a clean piece of cloth Method 2 Needables: Hydrogen Peroxide - 2 cups Hot water - 4 cups Foot file or pumice stone Lotion Socks Steps: Add hydrogen peroxide to hot water and soak your feet for 20-30 minutes. Pat your feet dry with towel and use the foot file to remove the dead skin. Finally apply lotion and cover feet with socks. Leave it overnight and w...


When your legs cramp at night it is called leg cramps, night cramps or Charley Horse. They are painful spasms that typically occur in the calf muscles and make your legs cramp at night. Leg cramps can awaken you in the middle of the night but they can also appear during daytime during physical activities such as running and cycling. When your legs cramp at night it’s usually harmless and can be relieved or even prevented with some simple stretching or other self-care measures. But, if they start to occur regularly and cause severe discomfort, visit your doctor. This is particularly true if leg cramps are interfering with your sleep or you’re having muscle weakness, swelling, numbness or pain that lingers or continues to come back. The risk of getting night leg cramps increases with age, but it’s often difficult to pinpoint the cause. In fact, when your legs cramp at night, these cramps often occur for no known reason. Dehydration, prolonged sitting, or not getting enough ...

The Scientists Proved: All Men Fall Love With The Women That Have This Feature

The ideal man who has a muscular body and is as wise as an elder and as brave as a warrior lives only in internet posts. Each woman has her own handsomeness criteria, but scientists keep trying to find the image of the ideal man. Today Bright Side is going to tell you about 11 features of a man’s attractiveness from a scientific point of view. Some of the facts are true, and some are just surprising. 11. Thick eyebrows and square chin These are the main traits of masculine men. Women prefer men with these features when they look for a long-term relationship. We hope men aren’t going to dye their eyebrows as women do after reading this scientific statement. 10. Beard Scientists conducted interesting research to learn how facial hair affects a man’s handsomeness. Women were invited to rate men with different facial hairstyles. There were clean-shaven men, men with light stubble, men with thick stubble (which appears on the 10th day), and men with thick beards. The...


Once you find out why throwing an aspirin into your washing machine is recommended, you will be amazed. Who would’ve thought that aspirin can have such a purpose? This advice will save your white laundry, and you will see that this pill can even compete with the industrial stain removing and bleaching agents. So, what can you do to remove the stains and avoid that repelling grayish color of white clothes, and restore their freshness? You may be surprised, but you can do all this with an ordinary aspirin pill. WHAT DO YOU NEED TO DO? Fill a container with 2 gallons of hot water, and dissolve 5,300 mg of aspirin pills. The best way is to crush them in smaller pieces for quicker dissolving. Put your white clothes in the solution, and let them soak overnight. The next day, put the clothes in your washing machine together with several aspirin pills, to get their original white color. If you follow these small steps, the results will amaze you. What’s more, you will se...

6 Female Behaviors That Men Just Love, #5 Will Blow Your Mind

Guys, I really think that we can all agree on this – woman is the most amazing gift a man can have. Agree? Share your thoughts in the comment section below. A good woman will care about you, she will love you unconditionally! But, you must understand that women have habits that can be really annoying for man. YES, you got that right! Habits like keep calling him, act like child while doing something, talking selfies, watching them and then delete them and do the same thing again, spending too much time in shopping etc. She buries his head in his chest Ladies, did you know that men love when a woman puts her head on their chest? Well yes, they feel like real men who give their loved one a sense of security. She plays with his hair when he drives a car He “receives” this act as an expression of love, affection and need for contact from the partner. She praises him on Facebook I really think that this is kind of obvious – he “enjoys” when she shares pictures with him . She’...

8 Things Every Woman Must Do After Intercourse

We never really think about the good and bad things of having intercourse, but the most important thing is to keep the private areas clean and healthy. The infections which usually appear are because of the unhealthy habits of the person. Here are 8 things you need to do after having intercourse. In this way, your private area won’t have infections and it will be healthy! 1 ALWAYS GO TO THE TOILET AFTER INTERCOURSE There can be some bacteria which go into your private parts during intercourse because the area is moist and warm which is what bacteria actually need so that they could multiply. It’s important to pee during the first hour after you’ve had intercourse so that you could avoid a bladder infection that is painful. You’ll flush this area. Don’t forget to wipe it from the front towards the back! This will help you avoid fecal contamination. 2. AVOID HOT BATHTUB SHOWER It’s good to have a shower, but it’s not good to enter into a hot bathtub. The vagina opens up even...

How Sleeping on Your Left Side Affects Your Health

We all know that duration of sleep is critical for mental and physical well-being, but it turns out that sleep position may be another important factor in the quest for optimum health. According to Ancient Ayurveda, for many people, sleeping on the left side may be the ticket to better health and also better sleep. People sleep in different positions. Usually, people choose the position they feel the most comfortable to sleep. However you might not know this, but if you sleep on the left side, you can enjoy many benefits. Listed below are few of the benefits one can derive if they catch there dreams while sleeping in this position. 7 Benefits of Sleeping On Your Left Side 1. Normal Heart Function The left side of the heart pumps blood towards your body. This makes sense why you need to sleep on the left side because in that way you can make it easier for your heart to function properly even when you sleep. In addition, sleeping in this position can help the circul...

11 Ways To Increase Bust Size Naturally

Great breasts are the dream оf many – bоth men and wоmen. оf cоurse, men dо nоt wish tо grоw оut bigger breast they just like tо оbserve thоse оn wоmen. Hоwever, nature and genetics are nоt that generоus tо everyоne, and while sоme wоmen have big beautiful breasts, the оthers have tо deal with a smaller sizer and fantasize abоut grоwing their bооbs оut. The bigger bust is the area fоr speculatiоn fоr many beauty cоmpanies since their magic pills, and lоtiоns and whatnоt are always оn the edge оf pоpularity since there is barely anything that a desperate wоman wоuldn’t try оut. Hоwever, the sad truth is that these prоducts rarely turn оut tо be effective. That is why we decided tо treat yоu with a pоrtiоn оf pretty effective ways оf enhancing yоur bust naturally! 1. THE DIET Nоt every оne оf yоu knоws that in оrder tо grоw оut bigger breasts yоu need mоre estrоgen in yоur bоdy and the best way tо get it frоm wоuld be with the fооd. There are indeed sоme prоducts rich in estrоge...


ACV is the byproduct of apple fermentation and it`s rich in essential minerals, pectin and enzymes. In oral care, it functions on 2 levels: eliminates the stains and whitens your teeth, and kills all the bacteria in your mouth which is causing bad breath. How is ACV good for teeth whitening? It acts as a potent cleansing agent with only a mild action, removes stains, kills bacteria in gums and mouth and whitens the teeth. How to use it? Put half a teaspoon of ACV in a cup of water, to dilute it and gargle with the solution every morning. Then brush the teeth as you usually do. Before using the apple cider vinegar, shake the bottle because the essential compounds are at the bottom. ACV is very acidic and can damage the teeth, so always dilute it with water.

8 Silent Signs Of Liver Cancer You Should Not Ignore

Beneath are 8 silent signs of liver cancer you should not ignore! Regular screenings for liver cancer can potentially save your life. Read on to find out the signs and symptoms of liver cancer everyone needs to be aware of. Liver cancer is one of the uncommon types of cancers but unfortunately, the chances are had doubled from 3.5-6.5 % according to the American cancer society. Sadly, liver cancer does not usually show indications until it reaches advanced stages that is why it is vital to get regular tests at least twice a year. 8 Silent Signs Of Liver Cancer You Should Not Ignore Below are 4 major factors along with 4 signs and symptoms of early stages of liver cancer. Factors Hepatitis B Getting vaccinated at birth can reduce the chance of Hepatitis B which is also related to liver cancer. If you were not vaccinated for Hepatitis B, it is suggested that you get an ultrasound at least once a year in order to screen for liver cancer. Hepatitis C A history of the hepat...


We all know the basics for avoiding cancer – don’t smoke, apply sunscreen, avoid red meat and keep away from air pollution. However, there are things that increase the risk of it, but don’t get a lot of attention. Check out these 7 things that increase the risk of cancer. 1. Hot tea Drinking tea might seem as a good way to deal with stress. In addition, green tea can even reduce the risk of cancer. However, you have to wait for it to cool drinking hot tea can increase the risk of alimentary canal cancer. 2. Sitting One way to avoid cancer is to move around. Physical activity is closely related to reducing the risk of the most common cancers, including lung, intestine and breast ones. 3. Tallness Taller people have greater chances of getting sick compared to shorter. According to a 2018 research, every 10 cm increase the risk of cancer for 10%. Even though it is not clear how they are connected, researchers believe that it is because taller people have more cells which ...

How to Fall Asleep in 2 Minutes According to the US Navy

Sleep deprivation is a very common problem that struggles people all around the world – even the most rested people have problems sleeping at night, maybe because they haven’t done anything for the whole day! Talking about the USA, it is estimated that above 70 million people suffer from insomnia and sleep deprivation. Psychologist say that it is due to an imbalanced daily regimen, emotional crisis and mental difficulties handling them as well as too much information our brain is getting on a daily bases, from ads on every corner, to insignificant scrolling on social networks and Internet. However, there’s a technique designed for the people who have the most problems falling asleep – the US navy. Can you imagine falling asleep after a grenade exploded in front of you, killing a bunch of people you knew? This amazing method is described in a book called “Relax and Win: Championship Performance”, written and published back in the 1981. The method you’re about to read about is ...


The debates as to whether it is healthy to be a vegetarian or not will probably last forever. If you give up meat you’ll feel some changes in your body. These changes are scientifically proven, so take a look what they are. 1. You will lose some weight People who give up on meat lose about 4 kilograms. In addition, they rarely have to count calories or exercise hard. 2. The number of good bacteria in your stomach will increase The stomach flora is different between people who eat meat and those who don’t. Researchers show that people who eat only plant-based products have more protective bacteria. However, some time should pass for this to happen. At the beginning when you give it up you might feel bloated. This is because your pancreas and stomach will try to get used to the new diet. 3. Your skin will look better A lot of vegetarians notice that their skin condition improves. The acne and stops disappear. Scientists say that if you substitute meat for vegetables you...


East Asian women are admired all around the world for their compelling skin and hair, no matter the age. However, in order for them to achieve this, they have many secrets that are not familiar to women in the world. One of their secrets is connected to the way they remove body hair. If you are a woman and you struggle with facial hair, then today is your lucky day. You might have already noticed that waxing the lip hair or paying for expensive removal procedures hasn’t worked. Therefore, we present to you an easy and effective way to remove your facial hair. What is more, this method is also completely pain-free. Keep in mind that by waxing or shaving your hairs too often you damage your skin. And you need to let your skin shine! If you are tired of having to keep removing the unwanted body and facial hair all the time, then this is a way in which you can permanently remove the hair WITHOUT WAXING OR SHAVING. As a bonus, it doesn’t hurt at all!


Many of us have the habit of going to bed with wet hair. However, you should know that this is a huge mistake. In fact, sleeping with wet or even damp hair can be the cause of many health problems. This does not, however, mean that you will catch a cold or pneumonia bit there are some other health issues that might arise. When you go to bed with wet or damp hair, the moisture from it gets retained, thus inflaming the scalp which results in an annoying itching sensation. In addition, this also causes damage to the name. surprisingly enough, even keeping a towel on your head for too long can have the same effects of retaining moisture. 1. Sticky hair Sleeping with wet hair can result in sticky hair. Thus, your hair will because really hard to detangle. This especially applies to people with long hair. 2. Hair breaking When the hair is wet it makes it more prone to breaking. Therefore, sleeping with wet hair only increases the risk of the hair breaking. 3. Dandruff When you...


Ginger has always been one of the top super food for several reasons. First of all, it has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties. Because of these, it should be part of people’s everyday diet. Moreover, it is also rich in Vitamin C, magnesium and other minerals. Therefore, it can improve one’s health on many different levels. And the best way to consume it is as ginger tea. However, the most important property of ginger is its ability to improve the digestion and immune systems’ function. In addition, because of its anti-inflammatory effects, ginger is beneficial in relieving pain. Moreover, it is also good for fighting cardiovascular diseases, asthma, and other health problems. Ginger Tea Health Benefits As we all know ginger can be used in many forms. It can be used either fresh, powdered or as a supplement. However, many people cannot stand its strong taste and thus they don’t use it often. Nevertheless, if you make tea out of ginger the taste is not so ...


Every one of us should be aware of the importance of body detoxification. It helps to remove toxins of the body, therefore enabling it to properly absorb the nutrients. What is more, detoxification removes cancerous compounds. In this article, you will learn how to prepare an amazing drink. This drink will not only improve your immune system and boost your metabolism, but it will also cleanse your body from toxins thus helping in the process of losing weight. Stomach fat is connected to high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. There have been numerous studies which have proven the link between stomach fat and type 2 diabetes. According to a study published in The Journal Health magazine, excess belly fat can be the cause of sudden heart problems. Therefore, in order to lose that excess belly fat, you must exercise regularly and eat healthy food. The recipe provided here makes an amazing drink. The ingredients of this beverage will burn your fat in no time. Th...


Besides being great home decoration, home plants and herb can improve your life and health. Some of them are famous for their calming and detoxifying effects on the body. Others can make people fall asleep and help them with sleeping problems. If you suffer from insomnia then read which 5 home plants you should have in your bedroom that will help you. 1. Golden cane palm (Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens) This plant cleans the air and removes the toxins and carbon dioxide. Since it makes the air damp, this plant is better for the winter when the throat and nose dry because of the warm air and the heating which make it harder for us to sleep. 2. Aloe vera (Aloe vera) The healing effects of this plant are well-known. Many different hair and skin care products are made from aloe vera. This is an untypical plant which omits more oxygen than the rest of the plants. Thus, it is good to have it in the bedroom because it improves the condition of the lungs and the immune system. 3. ...

This is How the Baking Soda Can Help You to Eliminate the Fat in the Arms, Thigh, Belly and Back

It’s really easy to gain some extra pounds, but losing them can be the hardest thing in the world, especially if most of the fats are located in the belly area. We all know the recipe to a fit body – healthy diet and exercising. But nowadays there are a thousand of diets in every corner that promise wonders and that are not even healthy. And the worst thing about them is that you will regain the weight very fast. But no worries, there are also some naturals ways to get rid of the extra pounds. And the good news is that almost everyone has the best ingredient at home – and that’s the baking soda. You can use this white powdery substance in few different ways to lose weight. Here are 5 easy ways how to use the baking soda in order to lose some weight: 1. The baking soda as part of your sport drink Forget about those sport drinks that are full of sugars and bad for your heart and prepare a homemade sport drink using baking soda. This is what you need: ¼ tablespoon baking sod...

Can You Get Pregnant On Your Period?

Period sex can be a divisive matter. For some people it’s a regular part of their sex lives, for others it’s a messy no, no. Whatever your stance on the matter, here at Natural Cycles, we’re all about clearing up the myths and misconceptions about reproductive health, so we’re on hand to answer one simple question: ‘can you get pregnant on your period?’ Can you be fertile on your period? The simple answer is yes. While women are not able to conceive whilst on their period, sperm can survive within the female reproductive system for up to five days. This means that some people have a chance of becoming pregnant from unprotected sex during their period. It all depends on the length of your menstrual cycle… simple, right? Let’s take an example, say you have a menstrual cycle shorter than 28 days. You have sex towards the end of your six-day long period and ovulate shortly after, then there is a chance that some of the sperm survive and you could get pregnant. So while getting pre...


Some of the cancers that most often affect women are breast, colon, endometrial, lung, cervical, skin, and ovarian cancers. Knowing about these cancers and what you can do to help prevent them or find them early (when they are small and easier to treat) may help save your life. Breast cancer is the most common cancer that women may face in their lifetime (except for skin cancer). It can occur at any age, but the risk goes up as you get older. Because of certain factors, some women may have a greater chance of having breast cancer than others. But every woman should know about breast cancer and what can be done about it. Women’s bodies change all the time.  Women experience many different stages of growth in their bodies, but sometimes your body can take an unnatural path. Women should be well aware of the warning signs of cancer. Many women will have early warning signs of cancer. Being able to recognize early warning signs of cancer might be able to save a life! It i...